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Joint projects
Coming together is a beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
As in the first two research missions of the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM), CDRmare and sustainMare, researchers from various disciplines work together in mareXtreme in close coordination with actors from politics, business and civil society.
In order to identify synergies between the joint projects and promote cooperation, interdisciplinary meetings are held regularly. In addition, cross-mission working groups are formed on key topic areas.
The Projects

Cross-sectional topics
Understanding and defining real-world laboratories
Understanding and typology of end2end early warning systems (UNESCO-IOC)
System understanding of marine extreme events (analogy to IPCC-SREX, 2012)
In addition to the central cross-cutting topics, there are other topics that are addressed across all joint projects. These include the joint development of new forecasting technologies, the use of synergies in the area of modeling and the definition of recommendations for action.

Kopf (2021)
A total of 29 institutions work together in mareXtreme.
The map gives an overview of where the facilities are located.
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